What’s the NRM Plan?
The NRM Plan identifies threats to the natural resources of a defined region and then determines strategies and actions that prioritise and address them.
We plan to develop solutions to environmental problems, solutions which reflect both community values and good science. We plan strategies which balance a sustainable economy with a healthy environment. We plan so both our communities and landscapes are resilient and prepared for hard times of drought, flood and wildfires, and well placed to take advantage of new opportunities and new ways of doing, which improve our natural resource base.
Who For
This NRM Plan belongs to the Northern Gulf region, and not Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd (NGRMG) as a company. Whilst NGRMG is the lead agency for NRM in the Northern Gulf region, we are only part of the solution…It will require involvement from all sectors, generations, industries and levels of government to move towards a sustainable future, and address some of the issues outlined in the Plan.
The NRM Planning (2016-2021) for the Northern Gulf Region followed this basic process:
1. Assessed all available information, including science, strategies and plans. This information was then collated into a series of Regional assessments, which were reviewed by a network of scientists with knowledge of the region (available through Strategies)
2. Engaged the regional community, including Traditional Owners, graziers, farmers, industry and government stakeholders and small regional town based communities;
3. Prioritised actions, through a robust and thorough assessment process;
4. Developed a Plan, which is now housed in this website.
What Next
The NRM Plan is based on a cycle of Adaptive Management where the Plan is continually reviewed and updated, with a new planning process scheduled to occur once more in 2021. Therefore, the Plan is actually more like a planning process, which will require re-calibrating with events, science and community values throughout its 5 year lifespan.